Big Umbrella Studios – Off the Runway

Starting this Friday, Diana Ruiz will be involved in a group show at Big Umbrella Gallery called “Off the Runway” Here is the description from the gallery:

Some fashion has been described as “Wearable Art”. But what happens when what is wearable BECOMES art? We proudly invite you to the opening reception for “Off The Runway”, a fashion art show where the materials normally reserved for Fashion, are used for fine arts purposes, and where materials, normally used for fine arts, are used for FASHION! Ever seen a dress made from telephone wires? How about a yarn egg nest? No? I didn’t think so. So come experience something you might not have. As well, there will be traditional artist renderings of clothing in it’s natural state and in not so natural states. Regardless, this show will be all about what happens when you take all your clothing, off…

“Off The Runway” that is!

Particpating Artists:
Zoe Cobb (Sewell 1879) & Sam Flores (Upper Playground)
Tuan Tran
Ehren Reed
Anna Dal Pino
George Campen/Diana Ruiz
Jeremy Eaton
Patricia Hemenway
Laura Blixt
Ashon Sylvester
Michaela Romesburg

The reception for the show will be this Friday at 6:00pm-11:00pm at the gallery, here is the Facebook Event Page:

Hopefully we will see you there, in the meantime, attached are some snapshots of some of the work.

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